Saturday, April 14, 2012

Planning Time!

My grandchildren range in age from age 2 to age 17. Although all are invited to participate in camp, not all choose or are able to attend. To keep the older kids involved, I ask them to be my assistant beginning at age 12. I now have 4 elligible assistants with the addition of Addie this year! Rumor has it that she has a notebook full of great ideas!
Early in the spring and sometimes later, I get my assistants together to help me plan camp. This is usually a sleep over event. Once the theme for the year is decided upon (a task of trying to mesh girl ideas and boy preferences!), we outline the schedule. We get a design for the invitations, decide on a menu, craft, and field trip.
This is never a set in stone plan. There are alot changes that can mess with our grand plan! We have to be careful to plan around our active families lives. Sometimes I have to remind them of my budget guidlines and how long activities may take. My assistants are invaluable! They know what their younger siblings like and what they will and will not eat.
We do as much assembling of craft supplies and any decorations that may be necessary as we can. I hope that my assistants feel as important as they are!

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