Thursday, June 18, 2015


Usually I have the older grandkids(over 12) join me for a few hours in the Spring to help decide on  theme and plan for Grandma Camp! Can you believe that I have not been able to get 4 teenagers together for that long to plan? I bet you can if you have active grands like I do!
For the last several years, well since he reached the ripe old age of 12, Jakob has wanted to do Grandma Olympics again. He was just 3 or 4 when we last did it as a camp. He was out voted before, so this year we are going to do it!
I know that all the kids will enjoy it, since all of those that participated last time did. Even though the picture is not the best, you can see that they had their own country, uniform (t-shirt), and lots of medals!
Where we live, it has turned really hot, really fast. That will mean that we will have to plan some activities in the shade or perhaps a few indoors.
I am excited to see what these kids will come up with! I just have to keep reminding them that we are on a budget! There are plenty of places and activities that we could do that would require money. I just cannot spend much and I want them to really use their imaginations and be resourceful.
I am getting nervous because nothing is sett including the date!
I will keep you posted.......