Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day Two

The knights and ladies slept well in the castle (tent) after watching "The Sword and the Stone". Dinner was the drum sticks from the bunny that we destroyed! Who would know that there are enough drum sticks from a bunny to feed 8 kids and 2 adults!
The competitions were fun!

Using lances to slay dragons (Pictures of dragons on suspended 2 liter bottles) Archery, and jousting

The Black Knight doesn't stand a chance!

Even the parents competed on the Wobble Boards

Sunday, August 3, 2014

More of Day One

Being Knighted

  The knight was attacked! We must destroy the bunny that we all fear! The knights and fair lady blew him up (Monty Python style) and then according to Grandpa we ate him for dinner! It tasted amazingly like chicken!
I have a round dining room table that we explained was for "The knights of the round table" but when it was discovered that all the knights could not fit around it, we put in the leaves of the table and it was oval, thus we were the "Knights of the not-so-round table".
All meals were eaten with our hands and the food was served on platters and we had tin plates and goblets to eat on. Towels were used instead of napkins and the bread was torn apart instead of cut. I think the kids would like this type of dining all the time.
King Arthur leading a quest.